The HumanTurn event – was set forth in 2010 by the One – Day – Turn vision of Gábor Goda:

“I am standing on a hilltop, slowly spinning around my own central axis. Simply spinning around once. I turn just a single time, but over the course of a whole day, which is to say, over a period of 24 hours. For exactly as much time as the Earth turns around its own axis. I am standing in one place for a full day, moving slowly, turning synchronized and harmonized with Earth, becoming one with Her. I feel that I will do this spin several times in future: at various points around the world, amidst nature, but perhaps in crowded city squares, too. I know that later I will not have to turn alone.”
The first One – Day – Turn of Gábor occurred on May 23, 2010. Since then, many others have joined in and done the 360° full turn in synchrony with the Earth, over the years.
The first One – Day – Turn of Gábor Goda occurred on May 23, 2010. The members of Artus team assisted the process.
Since then, many others have joined in and done the 360° full turn in synchrony with the Earth, over the years. Among them, there have been those who joined the spin over the period of 4 hours or 24 hours, those who were present as assistants in the process, and those who supported the process with their presence and attention.
In 2017, at one of the “Silence and Weight-flow Contact” retreats, the first “one – hour – turn” occurred. The spin around has been a crucial part of the retreat ever since.
Today, in times when everything that is going on in the world points out to the importance of our relationships and our interconnectedness, we started to work on the launch of a world-wide movement – meditation, in which we invite people to pause for a while, spin around a single time, over the period of an hour, at appointed day and time.